Tuesday, April 21, 2009

MY thoughts

Here are some things I thought were interesting, feel free to respond!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Learn from me, if not by my precepts, at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge" (38)
-Victor appreciates the value of knowledge. So much that it has led him down a path of selfishness and greed that ultimately takes a turn on him for the worst.

"...how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow." (38)
-I feel like this statement deals with Freud's pleasure principle and reality principle. To satisfy himself Victor must put this knowledge to use even though his reality principle knows this is a terrible idea and he will hate himself after he creates the monster.

"...exercise and amusement...I promised myself both of these when my creation should be complete." (41)
- This is what Victor thought he would get out of making his creation out of the knowledge that only he obtained. However he was mistaken. From this monster it becomes clear to his friend Henry that Victor is mentally ill. This monster has the adverse effect on Victor.

"...my more than sister, since till death she was to be mine only." (21)
-Victor is referring to Elizabeth. The girl his parents adopted from poverty and turned into one of their own. She is Victor's sister, but he does not view her like a sister. He views her as his companion. This may be because Victor has some unresolved psycho sexual issues. He feels that Elizabeth must fulfill every female role in his life, which could mean that he does have some Oedipal issues lingering in his life.


  1. Referring to the first qoute i marvel at the fact that this book is written through an experience point of view, looking back at the past. Victor has clearly understood that his thirst for creation was a sinister urge that made him the most real "mad scientist" that i can think of

  2. referring to the quote on page 21, I also concur with Evan B-logger. Clearly, Victor sees his sister as his own possession. When she was first introduced to Victor, victor was told she was his gift(possession). This has caused a strangely close relationship between the two of them. The way in which Victor talks about her makes her seem irresistible, lovely, and quite arousing ;)

  3. "Learn from me, if not by my precepts, at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge" (38)
    - As the great Ben Parker once said, "With great power, comes great responsibility." This compares to the quote on page 38 because by having incredible knowledge, responsibilities will thus follow, subsequently following with the various dangers that come along with responsibilities.

  4. The comments to the quotes on page 21, When Victor thinks of his sister as a possession it could very well be showing how insecure he is. He is afraid to be alone and/ or lose anyone else important in his life after the death of his mother. Thus, he views her as a possession in order to protect her in a way.
